4-H Camps

4-H Camps 2025 Dates

Registration is open for 2025. May 26-30 $350

Registration closes May 6th

Register in person or online at this link.

Day Camp options are coming April 1st.

July 7-11 Registration closes July 16th.

June 3-5


Fashion & Design conference is an exciting 3 days for 4-H’ers who enjoy sewing, designing, service projects and all things fashion related. On June 3rd-5th, this year’s conference will include a trip to Dollywood! 4-Her’s will get to have some fun at the park and also get a chance to participate in a behind the scenes tour, visit with the costuming department! Participants will also have an opportunity to show off their fashion sense in the Regional Fashion Show which will qualify winners to participate in the State 4-H Fashion Show being held at the Wilson County – Tennessee State Fair! Register today at the Extension office, deadline is March 31st, fee required at registration.

May 27-31

June 24-27 https://4h.tennessee.edu/electric-camp/

Registration closes May 15th.

May 2-3 Registration closes March 31st

Register in office or online at  4-H Angler Adventure Camp Ag Store

Scholarships and Fundraising available to offset costs. Give us a call today to discuss those options for your child.