The process for soil nutrient analysis for lawns, garden, pastures, hay fields, and everything in between starts at your local Extension Office. Our staff can get you set up with a soil probe to make pulling samples easy, help you through the process for filling out the paperwork, and even mail it to the lab for you for a small fee. Our help and use of the soil probe are free, but there is a charge for the actual soil nutrient analysis.
To get started, stop by the office in Newport during business hours of 8am-12pm & 1pm-5pm M-F, excluding federal holidays.
The process for nutrient analysis for forages of all types between starts at your local Extension Office. Our staff can get you set up with labels, help you through the process for filling out the paperwork, and even mail it to the lab for you for a small fee. Our help is free, but there is a charge for the actual forage nutrient analysis.
To get started, stop by the office in Newport during business hours of 8am-12pm & 1pm-5pm M-F, excluding federal holidays.
Do you have a weed in your yard that you aren’t sure what it is? What about an insect in your flower bed or garden? Maybe it’s a disease affecting your tomatoes or soybeans that you need to know how to control.
UT Extension would be glad to help! Simply send high quality pictures to the ANR agent via email, bring a high quality sample into the office, or schedule a site visit to identify.
The Extension Office has soil test probes, hay thermometers, hay sample augers, and moisture meters available for check out for producers to use.