An Educational Program for Divorcing Parents
The Tennessee State Legislature passed a law requiring divorcing parents of minor children under the age of eighteen to attend a parent education program. The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service has developed a four-hour program, “Parenting Apart: Effective Co-Parenting,” to help divorcing parents learn how to help their children cope with the issues that arise because of the parents’ divorce. The following topics are covered in the program:
- Facts about divorce
- Dealing with stress
- How children react to divorce
- Positive communication skills
- Helping children get through divorce
- Keeping children out of the middle of conflicts
- The family after divorce
- The processes of divorce and mediation
- Domestic violence and divorce
Classes include group discussion, the viewing of videos and lecture. Each participant will receive a booklet about parenting through divorce and a list of local resources. Classes are taught by Extension Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) agents.
The cost of the program is $45 per person.
Please do not bring children to class. Childcare is not provided, and the subject matter is not intended for children. A certificate will be given to all persons who complete the course. To get credit for taking the course, please list your civil court and docket number on the registration form, obtained at the Extension Office and other locations designated by the court. Classes will be held quarterly.
2025 Class Schedule:
May 21st 1-5pm
August 20th 1-5pm
October 15th 1-5pm
Sign-up for classes here
Helpful Resources
Parenting Apart
Adult and Child Mental Well Being
Co-Parenting Apps