Small Scale Agriculture is a program that was born and developed in Cocke County. Many people moving to Tennessee are looking for ways to be sustainable on small acreage, and this series aims to provide education to get producers started out right.
Small Scale Agriculture covers a variety of topics including home raised beef production, raising sheep and goats, producing hogs for your freezer, and backyard poultry production.
To be notified about upcoming Small Scale Agriculture classes, share your contact information here!
Tailgate University
TailGate University is a video series designed for all beef cattle producers. No matter the size of your operation, your years of experience, or the mud puddles you have to stomp through on the way to the barn, there’s a TailGate University video for you!

The Tennessee Master Beef Producer Program is designed to provide targeted educational presentations and hands-on demonstrations for a broad scope of topic areas in beef cattle production. Our objective is to provide Tennessee cattle producers with information and experience that can improve profitability while simultaneously making more efficient and sustainable use of natural resources.
There is not a Master Beef Producer Program currently on the local schedule.
To be notified about upcoming Master Beef Programs, share your contact information here!

The Master Small Ruminant Producer program is designed to service the educational needs of sheep and goat producers in Tennessee. The learning sessions provide opportunities for producers to increase knowledge and skills needed to apply management practices necessary for profitability and sustainability of the sheep and goat industry.
There is not a Master Beef Producer Program currently on the local schedule.
To be notified about upcoming Master Small Ruminant Programs, share your contact information here!
The driving force behind the Tennessee Master Horse Program (TMHP) is to raise the level of education and improve overall success of horse owners and producers within the state. Additionally, by improving management practices and providing the opportunity for intellectual growth, equine producers and business owners can continue to expand this vital portion of Tennessee agriculture.
There is not a Master Beef Producer Program currently on the local schedule.
To be notified about upcoming Master Horse Programs, share your contact information here!

The reason we offer BQA Certification is simple. Many buyers of feeder cattle are seeking out BQA Certified, source-verified calves. Producers can learn about the vital importance of injection site selection, proper injection techniques, and see the results of improper injection techniques. Record keeping is stressed because it helps producers track their costs and also provides a documented paper trail to prove to your buyers what treatments your calves have had. Proper cattle handling to reduce stress and bruises is also emphasized.
BQA is also a key stepping stone to being eligible for TN Ag Enhancement (TAEP) cost share opportunities. There are multiple opportunities for face to face trainings throughout the year as well as online options.
To be notified about upcoming BQA trainings, share your contact information here!