Welcome to TNCEP:
TNCEP is a nutrition education program for Tennessee families who receive SNAP or who are eligible for SNAP. The goal of TNCEP is to teach families how to choose and prepare nutritionally adequate meals and help them feel empowered to move toward self-sufficiency. Families are taught how to use SNAP and related resources effectively.
Education is delivered by county Extension faculty and partners in the community who work with the SNAP audience. The characteristics of TNCEP that makes it different from other nutrition education programs is that it is coalition driven. A community coalition of individuals from various agencies determine what types of education are delivered. Funding for TNCEP is provided by the USDA and the Tennessee Department of Human Services.

TNCEP can help you:
- Fix healthy, low-cost meals and snacks for you and your family.
- Feel better and have more energy.
- Get the most for your food dollar.
- Develop spending and saving plans to make food last throughout the month.
- Other Resources – Stretching Your Snap Benefits
Who is eligible?
Nutrition education is available to SNAP participants and other eligible low-income individuals and families. Our youth programs are available at no cost to schools that provide 50% or more free and reduced lunches.
Adult Programs
- Shop Smart Tennessee – Promotional materials, food demonstrations, and food tastings to empower healthy food choices among consumers.
- My Plate for My Family (MyPlate Tools) – Provides information about how to plan, purchase, and prepare food for families.
- Eat Well, Feel Well – Designed to engage older adults and teach nutrition, food resource management, and food safety.
- Eating Smart, Moving More – Encourages healthy eating, food safety, and physical activity with an emphasis on food resource management.
- Eating Smart throughout the Lifecycle – For pregnant women and parents of infants that teaches feeding practices for babies and children from pregnancy through adolescence.
Youth Programs
- Power U – Intended for 4th and 5th graders. Promotes age-appropriate activities for healthy eating combined with daily physical activity.
- Making Tracks with Rudy Racoon – Intended for 3rd graders. Promotes healthy eating, food safety, and physical activity.
- Teen Cuisine – Intended for 6th – 12th graders. Teaches teens nutrition, food preparation and cooking, food safety, and physical activity.
- Adventures in the Kitchen – Intended for 4th – 6th graders. This interactive program teaches cooking skills, kitchen safety, and nutrition and promotes physical activity.
- Learn Grow Eat Go – Intended for 3rd – 5th graders. Teaches youth about gardening and nutrition.

Some of the helpful publications for Eating Healthy are:
Eating well during Stressful Times:
Tennessee Shapes Up: A Guide to Help You Lose Weight and Keep It Off

Some of the helpful publications for Eating Smart Throughout the Lifecycle are:
How Your Baby Grows: The First Trimester
How Your Baby Grows: The Second Trimester

Some of the helpful publications for Older Adults are:
Exercise Safety: Preventing Injury and Protecting Joints
For those interested in these programs and more Contact:
Stephanie Maples:
UT/TSU office: 423-623-7531 or sgibson8@tennessee.edu